Nebraska ag trade mission will visit Middle East | Agriculture

Secretary of State Bob Evnen will lead an agriculturally based trade mission to the Middle East this month.

The 25 delegates from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Nebraska commodity groups, state government and private industry will visit the United Arab Emirates and Jordan during the trip.

Included in the group are university faculty members, representatives of agricultural commodity groups and private sector businesses involved in agricultural technology, including water utilization, value-added ag products, food preparation, pest control, network security and entrepreneurs in other economic sectors.

Nebraska is one of two states that the U.S. Embassy in Dubai invited to a showcase that will include a Taste of Nebraska event.

UNL experts from the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources will give presentations on research in beef production, water management and precision irrigation, food processing and the Food for Health Center.

“This trip underscores the important role Nebraska plays on the worldwide agricultural stage,” said Mike Boehm, University of Nebraska vice president and vice chancellor for UNL’s Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.