Having a backup is entirely premised on the need for recovery of such files or data should the case arise. Backup and recovery mean the process of creating and storing copies of data with the sole aim of preventing data loss.
Backing up your data in today’s world isn’t seen as a luxury but as a necessity. You stand to gain numerous advantages such as a safe and secure location for your files, a guarantee against the loss of files, and many other benefits of backing up your data.
Ordinarily, a backup or backing up files will translate to a copy of your files being stored in a separate system, place, or medium to protect against the possibility of data loss or compromise. But what happens when that backup is gone or lost?
This piece focuses on how your backup can have a backup; how you can have a reliable backup system. Essentially, this article seeks to help you learn how to back up your data like a professional. Let’s find out!!!!
Why you should backup your files or data
Backing up your data or having an efficient backup system or routine is very important and here’s why:
When you have a backup of your files, you have an easy, reliable, and stress-free way to restore your lost files after data loss.
- No uneasiness in the case of loss of files
When you back up your data regularly or when you have a secure backup, there’s a certain level of assurance or guarantee you possess. You have a sense of data security. And thus, you don’t worry needlessly of the case of you losing your files or anything of the sort.
When you have a reliable backup system, it saves you a significant amount of resources that you would otherwise need to spend on restoring the lost data. With proper backups, the restoration process is effortless.
- Secure location for all your files
You know your files are in a secure location
Types of Backup
A Full Backup
As the name implies, a full backup is done when a complete copy of all files and folders is made. Essentially, when you have a complete backup of all your files and data. There are two different angles you can see a full backup from:
- It is the most time-consuming
type of backup you can carry out because you’re backing up all files.
- On the other hand, it is also the
quickest to restore from because all your files are contained in the same backup location.
Opting for a full backup won’t come as a surprise because it’s probably the best option you can go for. After all, all your files are in one secure location, and it’s easy to maintain and restore them. However, there’s a certain plot twist. Since all your files are completely backed up, what happens in the case of theft? This is why you should encrypt your backups if you use full backups. If an unauthorized user gains access to your backup, they will have access to nothing without the encryption key. This is a sure way to guarantee the safety of your full backup from prying eyes.
Incremental Backup
This method still requires that at least one full backup be made, and then afterward, only the data that has changed since the last full backup will be backed up again.
Incremental backups do not take up space and are not time-consuming when backing up your files; however, it’s the most time-consuming out of all methods when it comes down to restoring data. Why? You first have to restore the latest full backup set and then each of the incremental backup sets in order. So, if one of these backup sets is missing or damaged, it will be impossible to fully restore all your files and data.
Differential Backup
Differential backups are a compromise between performing regular full backups and regular incremental backups.
Incremental backups require one full backup to be made. Afterward, only the files that have changed since the last full backup are backed up. This means that to restore, you only need the latest full backup set and the latest differential backup set. There’s no need to restore more than those two backup sets, which saves more time than restoring from an incremental backup.
How to backup your data like a professional
How exactly do you back up your data like a professional? You do so by following the 3-2-1 backup rule. It simply states that you must keep three copies of your important files or data; two on different storage media and one preserved in an off-site location. In this context, this entails backing up your data via:
1. NAS
2. External Hard Drive
3. Backup to cloud storage
It doesn’t specifically have to be in this pattern or strictly follow the 3-2-1 rule. It’s just to ensure that you have your file backed up on at least three different mediums, which would significantly help tilt the odds of keeping your information secure in your favor. It’s also to ensure that your information can be recovered even if a problem occurs with any other backup.
Method 1. NAS

Network-Attached Storage (NAS) is a very effective way of storing your files on a separate device which can then be accessed from any other device connected to the device’s network. Essentially, you can liken it to an external drive that is on-site, an external hard drive with an inbuilt wireless network.
This means that files will be stored on a mini-server that can be accessed from almost any device connected to your network. Whoever isn’t connected doesn’t have access. It’s that simple. For offices, these devices are handy as they allow for seamless collaboration between employees.
NAS devices can be a strong part of any local backup plan because it ensures all your files are in one place.
Method 2. External Hard Drive

The best off-site location storage option for you is an external hard drive. Use an external hard drive. External hard drives are much faster than USB drives; they generally have a bigger storage capacity and are very easy to carry around.
External hard drives can be plugged into and out of any device. More recent ones even come with USB 3.0 capabilities for faster data transfer. It’s one of the simplest ways that you can back up your computer. You plug the hard drive into the USB port of your PC or Mac, follow the prompts, and your backup process should begin shortly.
You’ll need to update the hard drive occasionally to make sure that it contains all of your files. It’s an off-site storage mechanism, so it greatly eliminates the chances of a hack or a cyber attack. On the flip side, you have to store it in a safe and secure place so that you don’t lose the backup of your files.
Method 3. Backup to Cloud Storage

The second option for file backup is uploading your files to a cloud storage service. This works by storing files on services like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Microsoft OneDrive. Drop the files in, and you can access them from any device with your account login information.
Making use of cloud storage for backing up your data is more like an investment as it is one of the best ways to back up your data. Good cloud storage services, such as Google Drive or Dropbox, come with their file management system for easy access, and they also come with a certain level of encryption to keep your data safe, away from prying eyes.
Most cloud storage comes with a free offer that gives you some free storage space to back up your data. If you have plenty of heavy files, you’ll have to pay for the premium version of such a cloud storage app to access more storage space.
There’s also a very similar approach you can take:
Backup Your Files Online
Another way to ensure your files will be recovered in case of a computer issue is by utilizing an internet backup service. These services usually require a monthly fee, but they run in the background of your computer and automatically back up your files to the service’s online storage.
Why this method is effective because your files are protected in a situation where your off-site storage device, your hard drive, is stolen or lost; if you lose access to your files due to a malware attack, for example, all you have to do is hit the restore button. However, backup may take longer to complete than it would on an external hard drive, and it also costs money each month.
There are many ways to back up your data, but having a backup system is what’s best. Ideally, you should have multiple backup plans in place to fully secure your files. The entire focus of this article is to provide a framework you can adopt to safely and effectively back up your files.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are hard drives the only method of storing information in an off-site location?
Depending on the type of information, there are various options for backing up your data to physical storage that will be off-site. You could choose to copy all your important files to:
- A USB drive: they are cheap, easy
to carry around, there are various storage capacities based on the size of the files you want to back up, but it’s not easily the best option. USB drives can be used to conveniently store small data, which would be a huge disadvantage to people who have large files. USB drives are also more susceptible to damage, being lost, or even data being corrupted by malware.
- Depending on the size of the files, you could burn information or data onto discs.
The issue is that discs don’t naturally have large storage spaces, so it would be more expensive to get discs with large storage spaces. Secondly, the files on a disc can easily be corrupted because discs are not durable as
- If it’s solely documented, you could have hardcopy prints as a backup. All printed documents will be safely stored or secured
The issue here is that you’ll have to add more pages when you want to update the backup. Secondly, getting rid of files is not as easy because it’s paper, except you have a shredder which is essentially piling up expenses for you. A distinct issue here is that all these methods mentioned have major drawbacks. USB sticks and CD drives or even hardcopy document storage are suitable for storing or transferring small amounts of stored information, but they aren’t great for scalability.
Are there things to look out for when choosing an external storage drive for off-site data storage?
A few specifications or features you must look for when purchasing an external hard drive include:
If you need to transfer a limited number of text files or your files are not large, a smaller one might be what you need. However, if you have large files to back up, a larger disk with more storage space should be what you’re gunning for.
If it’s the case where you transfer large amounts of data back and forth, a faster transfer speed is crucial.
If you have sensitive data, you might want to encrypt such data. Ensure your external hard drive is compatible with encryption software. Other options include hardware encryption, such as a physical security system that requires information input, such as a PIN.
Is there a difference between backing up your files via an online server and backing up your data to the cloud?
Yes, there is a slight difference between an online server backup system and a cloud storage service.
- Backing up your files online uses a backup service that runs in the background of your device and automatically uploads previous versions of your files to its online servers. On the other hand, you upload the files you want to backup to the cloud
Think of this like the auto-save option on Microsoft Word that helps you consistently save all changes made and the Ctrl S or the Save File option. There are two slightly different ways, but the result is that the document isn’t lost and all changes made are up to date.
- Another option that probably makes a difference is that an online server backup doesn’t come with a file management system, unlike cloud storage.