Monroe News Reporter Dean Cousino announced his retirement after 45 years with the paper.
Following his announcement, many tributes were submitted, thanking Cousino for his fair reporting and dedication to many agencies. Here are some of those tributes:
“In the world of extension, there are three traditional ways of getting educational information out to the public; individual consultations, meetings, and media, including print and radio primarily. Thirty years ago, when I came to Monroe County, there were two newspapers that wrote stories about agriculture. The Monroe Evening News and Dean Cousino and the Monroe Guardian had a writer, Larry See, Jr. And we had Bob Driscoll of Milan, with the Michigan Farm Radio Network. Although all contributed to local farm news, people and events, Dean has been steadfast in his reporting, including lots of photos of farmers and people at events. Above all else, Dean has worked hard to be at multiple events, day and night, and to get the stories out in a timely and newsworthy manner. All of us in agriculture will miss Dean and his reliable presence, friendship and reporting.”
Ned Birkey, MSU Extension Educator Emeritus
“During my tenure as Monroe County 4-H agent/ County Extension Director Dean’s dedication to his community as a reporter for the Monroe News was always on display. Dean worked long hours (certainly during Fair Week) to get the story right in terms of the 4-H member as well as the total 4-H program. You could always count on Dean to be there reporting on what he had seen and heard as accurately as he could. Michigan State University, Monroe County and the people served by these institutions benefited enormously from Dean’s efforts. He will be missed.”
Dale H. Brose, County Extension Director Emeritus
“Dean has been a great asset and supporter from day one of the MSU/MCCC Ag program. He has always shown true interest and enjoyment with everything the students and program have done. We will miss him for sure, and wish Dean all the best in his retirement!”
Andy McCain, Program Coordinator for Institute of Agricultural Technology, Michigan State University and Monroe County Community College.
“The Monroe County Fair has been truly blessed over the years for someone like Dean to take such as interest in reporting on all fair related events. We will miss Dean and wish him all the happiness he deserves with his retirement.”
From Darryl Diamond, Manager of the Monroe County fair
“The board and staff of the Monroe Conservation District wish you all the best, and want you to know you will be missed.”
Catherine Acerboni; Manager, Monroe Conservation District
“For all the years that I have been involved with the Monroe County Farm Bureau, whenever there was something of interest or importance to both the farming and non-farming communities, we always made sure to ‘let Dean know.’ No matter if it was to promote a local gathering of armers or to give local farmers a larger stage to present their message, it was Dean Cousino and his dedication to our members and our community that we could always count on. The residents of Monroe County were lucky to have both the efforts displayed by Dean, but also the cooperation of The Monroe News to create the weekly ‘Farm page.’ An entire page set aside for agriculture is such a very rare occurrence these days and we were doubly blessed for the welcoming open door policy shown by Dean. He will be almost impossible to replace and his weekly articles will be greatly missed. We all wish Dean contentment as he enters retirement.”
From Roger Bezek, President Monroe County Farm Bureau