Best Practices For Email Hosting Data Backup and Recovery

Your business email hosting will demand a lot of effort in return for all the advantages it bestows upon your business. 

Having a business email account for communication purposes is extremely common these days, but without appropriate knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities that entail it. For example, data backup and disaster recovery needs of the account.

If you have a web host and the best business email hosting services for your business website, or if you are thinking about starting email hosting for your business, you need to read this blog. 

Best Practices For Email Hosting Data Backup and Recovery

  1. Choose the Best Business Email Service Provider

When you opt for the best business email hosting providers, you choose the best additional services, recommendations, and security tools offered along with your package. This will benefit you more than you think it will!

  1. Archive Your Mails

There are different ways you can archive your emails. Archiving your emails remains important for various reasons, like restoration in emergency situations and safekeeping of the data. Let us understand the three different ways you can backup your email data.

  1. Cloud Archive

Cloud archiving refers to storing your emails with the help of cloud computing storage. When you use cloud-based email archives for storing to backup your email hosting, you are utilizing services provided by third-party providers. 

You send the collection of your emails to the cloud infrastructure. It is cost-effective, easy to use, and easily searchable in case of emergency.

  1. Email Archive

Your email host will offer you a way to archive your emails in a place on your account itself but on a separate archival platform. This helps you to find important and archived emails quickly. 

  1. Single-Box Journal

The journal email account is a mailbox that is used for backup purposes by your email account. 

As the business email account holder, you can configure which correspondence or email user you want to archive, or you can also choose all the users you interact with and send a copy of all your interactions to the journal account. 

This is an automated process that you just need to implement by configuration.

  1. Implement Retention Policies

Retention refers to the amount of time your emails will be kept in your email account. Ensuring good retention policies in place will avoid the danger of deletion. Along with having retention policies for your main account, keep these policies for your backup system, too. 

Retaining the data you have backed up will prove to be beneficial at the time of disaster recovery.

  1. Regular Typical Data Backup

Regular data backup is a traditional but necessary practice for business email accounts. You have to ensure that you are backing up all the possible segments of your email account: your inbox emails, attachments, sent emails, draft emails, calendars, contacts, and tasks.

Ending Note

Having your data in a place you know is safe and secure will keep you assured about the safety of your professional and sensitive business information. Emails hold a lot of data apart from these details; they contain client details, customers’ email addresses, and major marketing data.

Keeping your data safe and ready to recover in emergency situations is essential. We hope this blog helps you in understanding the different ways you can back up your data. 

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